Britney’s short stint as a flirty secretary in the sitcom “How I Met Your Mother” fetched its highest rating ever. But too bad for Britney, even if he might be the reason for the said rating, she won’t be coming back for another episode. According to a reliable source , Britney’s three-day stint is a pain in the ass since Britney is the cause of some delays in filming plus Britney’s attitude is so much to bear. According to the same source Britney’s mood changes are so sudden, you don’t understand where they’re coming from. The troubled pop star also bugged her co-stars, by asking them if they like puppies. The source added that Britney had a telephone fight with her 16 year-old pregnant sister Jamie Lynn on the set. The source said that Britney was heard shouting into the phone: You’re turning on me like everyone else. First Mama wanted to sleep with Kevin and now you’re calling him. And you live in a house I paid for!” Too bad for you Miss Pop Princess.

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